
While Oculus is still “baby stepping” out its app store for the Samsung Gear VR, Oculus CTO John Carmack said the company plans to do a broad release of the virtual reality headset during Samsung’s next product release cycle — presumably the Note release event in September.

Speaking to a packed room at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Carmack apologized to early Gear developers who may have rushed to create products based on his enthusiastic words about the platform. Samsung debuted the Gear headset in September last year, but labeled it the “Innovator Edition” while content slowly trickled out.

Samsung wanted to precede immediately with a broad consumer release, Carmack said, but Oculus was concerned that the software was not ready. He said the company, now owned by Facebook, was concerned the platform’s relatively low 60 frames per second refresh rate would make people sick.

“These are the nightmare scenarios…

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